When implementing the UMove system, it is necessary to add the component to any job profiles that will be used to process Move Update pieces. Job profiles with this specified component will function only when used in conjunction with the UMove software, so it will be necessary to complete the UMove software installation before processing with these profiles. This article outlines the steps to be taken when adding the UMove component to a job profile. If the UMove software has not yet been installed on the server to which the machine is connected, contact Engineering Innovation, Inc. to begin the installation process.
- Open the EII Console
- Navigate to the Job Profile Editor by clicking the Job Profile Editor link in the left tool bar
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- Select the job profile that will be used to process Move Update mailings
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- Right-click anywhere in the Job Options section of the page
- Navigate to Add Component and select MUX
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- Navigate to the bottom of the Job Options list, where the MUX component will appear
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- Select EII UMove as the component type
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- Once EII UMove is specified, the applicable settings will appear
- Verify that the settings match those seen on the right
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- If UMove will be used with any other profiles, repeat the above steps at this time
- Once all necessary changes and additions have been made, select Save Changes in the bottom right corner of the scree
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